Essay, Research Paper: Of Mice And Men Essay

Literature: Of Mice and Men

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The scene that was most memorable to me in this play was when Lenny and Curley`¦s
wife shared a conversation while the others were away. It started with Lenny
moping around about the rabbit he had killed and then Curley`¦s wife joined
him. This scene ended in a surprising way, but in my opinion many interesting
things were discussed about the concept of life. I was extremely surprised with
the ending of this scene because when the conversation began I predicted that it
was the start to a close relationship between the two of them. During this
conversation they discussed issues such as life and dreams. At first Lenny
refused to open-up. " ˇĄGeorge says I ainˇ¦t to have nothing to do with
you-talk to you or nothing.ˇ¦ " He was very reluctant to talk to her or
share anything with her. She was the complete opposite. Curleyˇ¦s wife was
looking for someone to talk to. As the scene continued, Lenny relaxed and was
able to talk and listen to her. Curleyˇ¦s wife began by asking Lenny
questions. As she continued walls were torn down and she was able to get closer
to him. Then she told him about her life. " I get lonely K.. You can talk
to people, but I can`t talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad. How`d you
like to not talk to anybody? " It was hard for Curley`s wife to get Lenny
to talk but eventually he told her about his rabbit and other things about his
life. " We gonna have a little place-an rabbits. " In the end Lenny
became overly excited and ended up killing Curleyˇ¦s wife. From this, I
gathered that Lenny had never been so close to anyone, especially anyone of this
opposite sex. This gave him such a great feeling that he did not know how to
deal with it. The moment he felt Curleyˇ¦s wife moving away, he acted on his
inner feelings and he was frightened. The scene portrayed a good example of the
interaction of two complete strangers, it was interesting to see how they shared
things and opened up to each other. Part Two: This scene is related to the theme
in different ways. I think that it incorporates three main aspects of the theme.
It is related to belonging, loneliness and dreams. All three of these are active
issues in society today. In this scene, Lenny and Curleyˇ¦s wife were able to
discuss and show the audience how the theme tied in. When the two of these
characters started talking to each other, they were both lonely. Curleyˇ¦s
wife did not have anyone to talk to, and Lenny had George as a friend but I do
not think it was the type of companion that he needed. In this case the theme of
loneliness was brought forth. At first the two of them were lonely and deep
within both of them wanted someone to talk to. When the two of these characters
began talking, they were given a sense of belonging. Lenny was able to feel the
feeling of trust and he was able to learn how to listen to someone. It was not
something he was used to. He was used to listening to George, but often it was
commands and rules. Curleyˇ¦s wife was used to listening to Curley, and she
was not really able to say what she wanted to do. I thought it was good for both
of these characters to be able to feel what it is like to have someone care and
talk to. This scene subtly touches the theme of dreams. They discussed dreams
that both of them had, and were in a way able to bring them alive by talking and
embellishing about them. In todayˇ¦s society it is important to feel wanted.
Loneliness is not something that anyone wants to feel. Every person should also
have goals and dreams, and they should be able to talk about them without
someone telling them it will not happen. It is essential that everyone has
something to look forward to in life and knows that there are people that do
care about what happens to them.
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